December - Some Divine Mythology.

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EmanuellaKozas's avatar
* The traditional birthstone amulets of December are the blue zircon and turquoise; and holly, mistletoe, and poinsettia are the month's traditional flowers.
* December, the twelfth and final month of the current Gregorian calendar and the first month Winter, derives its name from DECEM, the Latin word meaning "ten," as December was the tenth month of the old Roman calendar.
* December is shared by the astrological signs of Sagittarius the Centaur-Archer and Capricorn the Goat, and is sacred to the following Pagan deities: Attis, Dionysus, Horus.

General Lore -
* December 8th: The birth of the ancient and powerful Goddess of the Sun (Amaterasu) is celebrated annually at Shinto temples throughout Japan.
* December 12th: The Zorastrian Fire Festival of Sada celebrates the victories of good over evil and light over darkness annually at sunset on this date (approximately).
* December 22: On this date (approximately), the Sun enters the astrological sign of Capricorn. Persons born under the sign of the Goat are said to be ambitious, practical, loyal, and often reclusive. Capricorn is an earth sign and is ruled by the planet Saturn.
* December 25th: The birthday of Mithra (also known as Mithras), the Persian god of light and wisdom.
* New Year's Eve. The modern custom of ringing bells and blowing horns to usher in the new year at midnight is actually derived from the old Pagan custom of noisemaking to scare away the evils of the old year.

Ancient Hellenic/Greek -

* December 1st: The festival of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Poseidon is also the god of rebirth. Also, the Goddess Athena was honored annually on this day with a religious festival called the Day of Pallas Athena.
* December 3rd: In ancient Greece, this day was sacred to the goddess Cybele and also to Rhea, the Great Mother of the Earth.
* December 5th: In ancient Greece, an annual seaside festival (the Poseidea) was celebrated annually on this date to honor the sea-god Poseidon, consort of the Mother Goddess.
* December 7th: On this date in ancient Greece, an annual rite called the Haloia of Demeter was performed. According to mythology, each year the goddess Demeter wanders the earth in search of her stolen daughter Persephone. The goddess' sorrow brings Winter to the world and all trees and flowers cease to bloom; however, Spring returns when Persephone is allowed to temporarily leave the darkness of the Underworld and Demeter once again rejoices.
* December 29th: In ancient Greece, a Pagan religious festival called the Day of Nymphs was celebrated on this day in honor of Andromeda, Ariadne, and Artemis

Ancient Egyptian -

* December 6th: Bast guards the Two Lands; Day of offerings to the Shemsu (followers) of Ra.
* December 8th: In Egypt, the Festival of Neith is celebrated annually on this date to honor the Earth-Goddess of the Delta.
* December 21: Winter Solstice; Feast of Aset (Isis)
* December 23: Festival of the Great Heat; Feast Day of Het-Hert (Hathor).
* December 25: Birth of Heru (Horus) the child of Aset (Isis) ; Going forth of Wadjet singing in Heliopolis;Day of Elevating the Great Netjert (Goddess) in all Her names & manifestations
* December 31: Feast of Sekhmet.

Current Projects:

1. The Eyes of Medusa (90% done)
2. Halloween Lanterns (A bit overdue sadly) - (about 70% done)
3, Sagittarius - Female (decided to remake the zodiacs)
4. Sagittarius - Male
5. Sirens
6. Moirae (Also known as The Fates from Hellenic mythology)
7. Heartless
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